

Are you interested in volunteering for SASHS?

As a member of the San Antonio Stockyard Historical Society, your support assistance will directly affect the preservation and awareness of the rich stockyard history for future family generations. Membership support our local community within the high school education for the FFA and agriculture student projects. As well as, San Antonio Stockyard Historical Society community activities such as trail rides, concerts, galas, etc.

Fill out the form below or download and send the PDF form and we will be in touch. Thanks!

Volunteer Commitees (Please select which volunteer commitees you are interested in joined)

Do you have a driver's license?

Do_you_have car insurance?

Do you have a car available for transporting others?

Do You Have Any Physical Condition that May Limit Your Acitivities?

San Antonio Stockyard Historical Society is committed to equal opportunities and all volunteer recruitment decisions will be based on merit, suitability for the role and experience. All volunteer recruitment decisions will not be influence by race, color, nationality, religion, sex, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, disability, age or other affiliated membership. San Antonio Stockyard Historical Society endorses a working environment free from discrimination and harassment.

Please read the following carefully before signing this application: I understand that this is an application for and not a commitment or promise of volunteer opportunity. I certify that I have and will provide information throughout the selection process, including on this application for a volunteer position and in interviews with S.A.S.H.S. that is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have and will answer all questions to the best of my ability and that I have not and will not withhold any information that would unfavorably affect my application for a volunteer position. I understand that information contained on my application will be verified by S.A.S.H.S. I understand that misrepresentations or omissions may be cause for my immediate rejection as an applicant for a volunteer position with S.A.S.H.S. or my termination as a volunteer.

Are you interested in volunteering for SASHS?

If you prefer to send your volunteer form by mail, please download the Volunteer form and mail to 630 SW 41st San Antonio, Texas, 78237.